Solving Problems Since 1995
We provide a variety of services for professional practitioners, students at all postsecondary levels, and military operators and units in the U.S. and around the world. We work with partners to identify needs and bring creative and effective solutions to forensic science and process challenges.
Learn how a GFJC assessment helped the Indiana State Department of Toxicology cut their turnaround time, then start your assessment->
17 Countries
with GFJC service and training locations
from 25 service contracts in 2023
Provides state-of-the-art DNA analysis services of both human and nonhuman DNA.
Forensic and Analytical Toxicology
Our facility may accept contracts for analytical services from academic, commercial and government customers.
Advanced imaging and elemental analysis for all fields, research, and applications. For reservations, visit
The facility contains instrumentation that can be used for research, education, and service, available for a fee.
Analysis, test & evaluation, research & development, and library builds
Relevant, applicable and immediately useful training
Evolve your forensic capabilities and prepare for accreditation
Full-service studio and mobile broadcasting
Analyzing biometric, forensic and DOMEX data
Criteria development, execution and reporting
Manage speakers, attendees, and vendors in one place. Learn more with our quick guide or email us at
Our warehouse of 360° training scenarios can be customized for HAZMAT, traffic stop, domestic and international environments.
Partner With Us
GFJC staff have more than 150 years of combined experience in forensic science and law enforcement. Our experts are research scientists, forensic laboratory and law enforcement agency managers, and forensic analysts. We provide support for management consulting, scientific analysis and research, technology evaluation, and cutting-edge professional training to partners including the FBI, NIJ, NATO, and USSOCOM.
GSA Provider
Government agencies can conveniently contract for goods and services using the General Services Administration system. For assistance, contact or find us on GSA eBuy.
Contract GS-02F-00810