Laboratory Assessments

Evolve your forensic capabilities and prepare for accreditation with our expertise.

For decades, GFJC subject matter experts have provided innovative training, support, and assessment services to the forensic science community. FIU is recognized for its seminal international work in promoting justice reform, Rule of Law (ROL), and civil society involvement. Our assessments team holds advanced degrees in business, forensic disciplines, and STEM, with experience in laboratory management from local to federal levels, law enforcement, and executive leadership.

2,200+ Audits & Assessments

By comparing your current lab operations to commonly-accepted standards and best practices, our experts submit recommendations for strategic process and policy changes, empowering your leadership to implement dramatic quality and productivity improvements, and prepare for accreditation. Our assessments team members will perform needs assessments, gap analyses, and thorough reviews of your:

  • Procedures and policies
  • Technical documents
  • Quality Assurance Systems (QASs)
  • Facility space and operations
  • Equipment maintenance
  • Staff capabilities

Once changes are implemented, your lab can reduce backlogs, shorten turn-around times, streamline workflows, and justify needed resources.

Phased Project Approach

  1. Conduct an on-site assessment with the full engagement of your team
  2. Submit the formal report with findings, recommendations, plan of action, estimated timeline
  3. Develop laboratory policies, procedures, and training documents aligned with accreditation requirements
  4. Conduct ISO accreditation on-site audit training classes for your forensic staff
  5. Identify the management and quality assurance staff required to properly direct an accredited forensic laboratory
  6. Perform a follow-up assessment and analysis prior to your accreditation application

Our Expertise

  • Toxicology
  • Chemistry
  • Crime scene investigation
  • Latent fingerprint development and analysis
  • Microscopy
  • Arson and explosives
  • Firearms examination
  • Questioned documents
  • DNA analysis
  • Laboratory safety
  • Expert testimony
  • Property and evidence management

You’re not starting with a blank slate.

Our working history with the criminal justice community can save your lab the time and costs associated with developing your own policies and procedures. We’ve leveraged best practices from some of the nation’s most productive crime laboratories to develop management consulting and training programs which expedite the accreditation preparation process and equip your lab to improve workflow efficiency, analytical results, evidence handling, and resource justifications.